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Bylaws of the North Capitol Hill Neighborhood Association
(as amended November 1, 2016)


Article I - Name


Article II - Purpose


Article III - Definitions


Article IV - General Organization


Article V - Geographical Boundaries, Membership, Voting Rights, Dues


Article VI - Officers, Nominations, Elections


Article VII - Responsibilities and Authority of Officers


Article VIII - Vacancies, Removal and Recall of Directors


Article IX - General Meetings


Article X - Board Meetings


Article XI - Committees


Article XII - Fiscal Policy 


Article XIII - Amendment of Bylaws


Article XIV - Dissolution


Article I: Name

The name of this organization shall be the North Capitol Hill Neighborhood Association. The abbreviation NCHNA may be incorporated into written and printed matter.

Article II: Purpose

1. To preserve and improve the neighborhood so as to provide for the environment and conditions desired by the residents of the community.

2. To inform and advise the residents of the community in matters that affect their individual rights and responsibilities

3. To provide a public forum for the discussion of pertinent issues.

4. To provide leadership in the investigation of community needs as indicated by surveys and studies, and to suggest courses of action.

5. To communicate with government agencies to represent the interests of the residents and to take necessary action to carry out the purposes of the organization.

6. To cooperate with other organizations and persons having like purposes.

7. In general, to do whatever is necessary and proper to further the purposes stated above and to represent the community.

Article III: Definitions

When used in this constitution and other records of the North Capitol Hill Neighborhood Association, the following terms are defined.


Association: The North Capitol Hill Neighborhood Association


Board: The Board of Directors of the Association


Neighborhood: That part of the City of Seattle lying within the geographical boundaries of the Association


General meeting: A meeting in which any member of the membership may participate

Board meeting: A meeting of the Board of Directors


Household: All persons who occupy a group of rooms sharing common kitchen facilities, constituting a dwelling.

Article IV: General Organizations


Section 1. Organization

In general, the organization of the North Capitol Hill Neighborhood Association shall be of a general membership, a board of directors and committees. The membership, meeting relatively infrequently, shall elect the board of directors. The board shall conduct the business of the organization in accordance with the constitution, the bylaws and the instructions of the association of membership.


Section 2. Non-Profit Status

The North Capitol Hill Neighborhood Association shall be non-profit corporation in accordance with applicable state and federal laws and registered with the state as a non-profit neighborhood association that represents its constituency in local, county and state issues affecting North Capitol Hill.


Section 3. Procedure

The rules contained in Robert's Rules of Order (Revised) shall govern the association in all cases in which they are applicable, unless waived by a two-thirds majority or superseded by the bylaws.


Section 4. Anti-Discrimination and Tolerance

The association does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of commonly recognized, legally protected characteristics such as race, color, religion, gender, gender expression, age, national origin, disability, marital status, sexual orientation or military status. In addition to these enumerated characteristics, the association further commits itself to conscientious consideration of equity and bias in its decision-making. It is the intent of the association to welcome all residents concerned for the well-being of the neighborhood and of the city to participate in association activities. Anyone with a concern regarding participation in association events or activities should raise this concern to any current board member. 

Article V: Geographical Boundaries, Membership, Voting Rights, Dues


Section 1. Geographical Boundaries

The geographical boundaries of the association shall be East Howe Street to the south; Interstate 5 to the west; East Roanoke Street, Delmar Drive East and East Interlaken Boulevard to the North, and the properties on 15th Avenue East (or its northward projection) to the east.


Section 2. Membership

A member of the association shall be any resident of the neighborhood who is 18 years or older, and any person who owns property within the neighborhood and any single representative of a business or institution in the neighborhood. Only members are eligible to serve on committees or stand for office.


Section 3. Voting Rights

Any adult over the age of 18 residing within or any business or institution located within the organization’s geographic boundaries shall have the right to cast one vote on any issue brought up for a vote at any general meeting. Members of the board shall each have the right of one vote on issues brought up for a vote at board meetings.


Section 4. Dues

Annual dues shall be $10.00 for each individual, business or institution, or $25.00 for a household. Dues may be pre-paid for future years, but are non-refundable. Dues are not transferable upon loss of eligibility for membership.


(Note: To pay your dues, make a check out to NCHNA or North Capitol Hill Neighborhood Association and mail it to: NCHNA c/o Bonnie Pasek, 2338 11th Avenue E, Seattle WA 98102)

Article VI: Officers, Nominations, Elections


Section 1. Officers

Officers—president, secretary, treasurer and directors—of the association shall be elected by a vote of the general membership and serve on its board.


Section 2. Nominations

The board may present a recommended slate of officer candidates to the general membership. Any member may also be nominated by another member at or prior to an election meeting.


Section 3. Elections

Officer elections shall be held every two years. If more than two nominees are running for the same office and no nominee receives a majority vote, then the two nominees who have received the largest number of votes in the first ballot shall participate in a run-off election.

Article VII: Responsibilities and Authority of Officers


Section 1. President

The president shall serve as the chief executive officer of the association, preside at all meetings, prepare agendas for such meetings, maintain momentum of programs initiated by the board and perform such duties as the board may assign. The outgoing president shall present to the membership at the annual meeting a report of business transacted by the outgoing board, and may include recommendations for future actions.


Section 2. Vice-President

The Vice-President shall act as and have the same powers of the President if and when the President is absent, develop and encourage membership participation, and assist the President in organizing special projects. The Vice-President shall also keep the meeting minutes if the Secretary is absent.


Section 3. Secretary

The secretary shall keep minutes of both general and board meetings, maintain all non-financial records of the association and publish all printed material required by the president, board or association.


Section 4. Treasurer

The Treasurer shall receive and disburse funds (including the billing and collection of dues) and maintain financial records (including a current list of paid members). The treasurer shall be prepared to give the board an accounting of association funds and expenditures at any board meeting, and to give the president a current list of paid members at any general meeting. The treasurer shall also ensure that all records are balanced and passed on to his successor within two weeks of his replacement.

Article VIII: Vacancies, Removal and Recall of Directors


Section 1. Vacancies

If a director resigns, becomes ineligible or unable to serve, the Board shall appoint a successor to serve the remainder of the unexpired term.


Section 2. Removal of Directors

If a director is absent from three consecutive board meetings, at least two of which are regular meetings, the other members of the board may, by a majority vote, deem that director unable to serve and declare the position vacant.


Section 3. Recall of Directors

A director may be recalled by two-thirds vote of a general meeting called for that purpose at which a quorum is present. In the event of such a recall, and at the same meeting, nominations shall be taken from the floor and a successor elected to serve the unexpired term.

Article IX: General Meetings


Section 1. Annual Election Meeting

The key purposes of an election meeting shall be the presentation of committee reports and the nomination and election of officer candidates, although other business may also be placed on the agenda.


Section 2. Additional General Meetings

Additional general meetings may be called by the president with the approval of at least one other board member and shall be called by the president if so directed by a majority of the board.


Section 3. Quorum

In any vote offered to the general membership, at least 15 members must participate to constitute a quorum.


Section 4. Notification

Copies of a written notice of a general meeting must be delivered to all households in the neighborhood at least one week in advance of a general meeting. The notification shall specify the time, date, place and purpose of the meeting.

Article X: Board Meetings


Section 1. Attendance

Meetings of the board shall be open to all members of the association.


Section 2. Regular Meetings

Regular meetings of the board shall meet no less than twice a year.


Section 3. Special Meetings

Special meetings of the board may be called by the president with at least 24 hours notice to all board members. Special Board meetings shall be called by the President if he or she is so directed by any three board members. Special board meetings shall also be called by the President if he or she is so requested by a petition signed by ten dues paying members stating the purpose of the meeting. The President shall ensure members are properly notified and hold such a meeting not later than one month after being so directed.


Section 4. Quorum

The presence of a majority of the board shall constitute a quorum at a Board meeting.


Article XI: Committees


Section 1. Types

Committees to work on special or ongoing projects may be organized by the board, which will define their scope and duties.


Section 2. Reports

Each committee chair shall make or cause to be made a progress report at Board meetings when requested by the president and at all general meetings.


Section 3. Approval of Communications

Committees, unless granted specific authority by the board, shall not release any report, resolution or communication to any person, agency, organization or media outlet which purports to be a consensus of the association or any segment thereof.

Article XII: Fiscal Policy


Section 1. Fiscal Year

The fiscal year shall run from May 1 each year to the following April 30.


Section 2. Funds

Funds of the association shall be classified as either general funds or project funds. Project funds will be separately accounted for and will be used only for the purpose stated in the request for funds. If project funds in excess of those required to complete the project are collected, they will, upon completion of the project, be returned on a pro-rata basis unless the amount due any source is less than $10.00 in which case the amount due that source shall be transferred to the general fund. General funds may be used for any purpose authorized by the board or the membership which is not inconsistent with the purpose of the organization.


Section 3. Bank Accounts

The treasurer shall establish and maintain bank accounts. The board may authorize transfers to and from checking accounts to an interest bearing savings account. The signatures of both the President and the Treasurer shall be required on checks drawn on such accounts.


Section 4. Authorization of Expenditures

Officers and committee chairs may expend funds not to exceed $100 for items required for committee use with the approval of the president. Expenditures of over $100 to further the objectives of the association may be authorized by a majority of the board at a board meeting or by a majority of the members at a general meeting. No expenditure shall be authorized which exceeds the current balance as reported by the treasurer less prior commitments.

Article XIII: Amendment of Bylaws


Section 1. Proposals

Amendments to these bylaws may be proposed by submitting the text of the suggested revision in writing at any board or general meeting. If a majority of those present and voting support the suggested revision, notice of the proposed amendment shall be provided to the membership, and the proposal placed on the agenda for the next general meeting.


Section 2. Notice

Notification of a proposed amendment to the bylaws shall be made at least 20 calendar days prior to the general meeting at which the amendment is to be voted on. Notice shall include the relevant articles and sections as most recently adopted, and as would follow the revision, together with a statement describing the amendment's effects and purpose.


Section 3. Adoption

A proposed amendment to the bylaws shall be adopted upon two-thirds majority.

Article XIV: Dissolution


Section 1. Lack of Quorum at an Annual Election Meeting

If there should be a lack of quorum to complete an officer election scheduled by the board, the board shall set a date for a special election meeting within six months.


Section 2. Lack of Quorum at the Special Election Meeting

If for any reason, the organization declares itself dissolved, the board shall distribute all assets except any that are already committed to a project which cannot be terminated or liquidated at the time. The board shall continue to function as a trustee of that project until it is terminated or liquidated.


Section 3. Distribution of Assets

Upon dissolution all project funds shall be distributed according to Article XIII, Section 2,* and all general funds shall be transferred to the Roanoke Park/Portage Bay Community Council.

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