NCHNA Annual Meeting - March 6th, 2018
Please join us on Wednesday, March 6th at NCHNA Annual Meeting.
North Capitol Hill Neighborhood Association (NCHNA)
Seattle Prep, Adelphi Hall, 2nd floor Great Room
6:30 p.m., Wednesday, March 6, 2019
6:30 Welcome: Michelle Kimihira, President
6:35 NCHNA’s Year in Review: Nancy Brainard, Secretary
6:40 Election: Michelle
Recommended changes to NCHNA by-laws:
-extend officer terms to 2 years from 1 year
-reduce the required number of board meetings per year to 2 from 4
Introduction of officer candidates: Nancy Brainard, Melinda DeLanoy, Michelle Kimihira, Kris Olson, Bonnie Pasek, Jeanne Peterson, Bryson Tillinghast, Bill Wiesenbach
Vote here
6:50 Up-Zoningfor Mandatory Housing Affordability (MHA) in and near North Capitol Hill: Kris
7:20 General Q&A: Michelle
7:30 Adjourn